Practical Considerations of Radiation Protection in Field Work
Alan Tung | Ontario Power GenerationEnoch ABC Ballroom
This presentation is an overview of a typical, though non-routine, task at Pickering Nuclear Generating Station from a field technician point of view. In this task, a 45gal D2O drum with elevated dose rates needs to be moved to a storage location. Due to the size and weight, moving the drum cannot be accomplished without specialized equipment and procedures that preclude the use of shielding on the drum. Radiological qualifications, typical instruments used, radiation personal protective equipment, and some procedures will be discussed. There are also challenges of an industrial nature that are unique to nuclear generating stations that will be discussed. One lesson that was learned is the importance of understanding the conditions and limitations of what can be done by field personnel. This is accomplished by inspecting the surroundings and equipment and getting input from people knowledgeable in this type of work.