General Information

  • Tours are in English only.
  • Tours are not included with conference registration. Separate registration and fees (where applicable) are as indicated below.
  • Tours are subject to cancellation if the minimum number of participants is not met (full refunds will be issued where applicable).
  • Tour registration is not transferrable.
  • Transportation provided from Sheraton Hotel to tour sites / return.  Please arrive in the Hotel lobby 15 minutes prior to departure time.
  • No refunds (where applicable) will be issued after May 11, 2025, unless a tour has been cancelled.
  • Registration Deadline:  May 11, 2025


Please contact Dave Niven if you have any questions regarding tours.

Please contact the Secretariat if you have any questions on registration, including cancellation.


Laurentis Energy Partners’ Hamilton Clean-Energy Materials Sorting and Recycling Facility (CMSR)

A guided tour of Laurentis Energy Partners’ Hamilton Clean-Energy Materials Sorting and Recycling Facility (CMSR), a research initiative supporting the reduction in the stored volume of Ontario’s nuclear reactor fleets’ by-products.

Monday, May 26

  • Depart from Sheraton Hotel:  10:00 
  • Return to Sheraton Hotel:  11:30

Friday, May 30

  • Depart from Sheraton Hotel:  8:30
  • Return to Sheraton Hotel:  10:00


  • Closed-toe low-heeled shoes and long pants.
  • No sandals, high-heeled shoes, shorts or skirts. 
  • Safety shoes and glasses required.
  • LEP has a limited supply of toe caps for regular shoes, but not enough for a full group of 10 people.
  • Bring your own safety shoes if possible.
  • Cost:   Free
  • Capacity:  10 



McMaster University’s Nuclear Facilities

Tour three of McMaster University’s facilities including the Canadian Centre for Advanced Nuclear Systems (CANS), Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS), and the McMaster Nuclear Reactor (MNR)!

Monday, May 26

  • Depart from Sheraton Hotel:  13:45
  • Return to Sheraton Hotel:  17:00

Thursday, May 29

  • Depart from Sheraton Hotel:  13:45
  • Return to Sheraton Hotel:  17:00

Friday, May 30

                • Depart from Sheraton Hotel:  08:30
                • Return to Sheraton Hotel:  12:00


  • Closed-toe low-heeled shoes and long pants.
  • No sandals, high-heeled shoes, shorts or skirts. 
  • PPE will be supplied if required.

Age Requirements

  • All participants must be at least 11 years of age.
  • Participants under the age of 18 must provide a tour card  signed by a parent or guardian. Tour cards will be available at the Registration Desk on the 2nd Floor of the David Braley Health Sciences Centre during the conference.


  • Participants’ cellphones, cameras, backpacks, etc. must be left in the reception office for the Reactor tour.
  • Please bring a valid piece of Government Issued ID.
  • Cost:   Free
  • Capacity:  10 


Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) Facility – Oakville

A guided tour of  NWMO’s proof-test Oakville facility, including a close-up look at used fuel containers, bentonite boxes, and full-scale emplacement room!

Monday, May 26

  • Depart from Sheraton Hotel:  12:30
  • Return to Sheraton Hotel:  16:00

Thursday, May 29

  • Depart from Sheraton Hotel:  12:30
  • Return to Sheraton  Hotel:  16:00
  • Cost:  $40 (+13% HST) 
    • includes boxed lunch
  •  Capacity:  25