Bridging Frameworks: A Comparison of Occupational Health and Safety’s Hierarchy of Controls and the International System of Radiation Protection

Those responsible for radiation protection in the workplace come to the role through many different pathways. Experience training Radiation Safety Officers and X-Ray Safety Officers has revealed that while many will have previous radiation protection training, it is very common for those moving into these roles to come from Occupational Health and Safety or Industrial […]

Progressing Safety Culture – A Shared Responsibility

Nuclear Substance and Radiation Device (NSRD) licensees have no formal  equirements under RegDoc 2.1.2 – Safety Culture but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for formal safety culture. A great safety culture is vital to running a great radiation safety program! This presentation will highlight some unique challenges and successes seen in NSRD licensees […]

Compliance: a goal, a tool or a weapon of mass persuasion?

Let me be clear: this presentation is not really about compliance, but it is all about a strong safety culture!  How can we make sure that our radiation protection program (RPP) is working properly, even when the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) is enjoying a well-deserved Pina Colada on the beach?   ​ ​Using key highlights from […]

Practical Considerations of Radiation Protection in Field Work

This presentation is an overview of a typical, though non-routine, task at Pickering Nuclear Generating Station from a field technician point of view.  In this task, a 45gal D2O drum with elevated dose rates needs to be moved to a storage location.  Due to the size and weight, moving the drum cannot be accomplished without […]