Uranium content, distribution, and biokinetics in human body: USTUR studies
Since 1968, the United States Transuranium and Uranium Registries (USTUR) has followed up occupationally-exposed individuals (volunteer tissue donors) by studying biokinetic and dosimetry of actinide elements. The USTUR currently holds data and tissue samples from six whole- and 38 partial-body donors with occupational uranium intakes. In this study, uranium tissue concentrations, body distribution, and biokinetics […]
Shielding for Activated Components Produced during Cyclotron Irradiation (Part 2 of 2)
Neutron production ceases when beam is stopped however there are many secondary radionuclidic byproducts that result from interaction with the proton beam and from the generated neutron flux. Cyclotron targets can be in the gas phase (e.g.14N(p,α)11C), liquid phase (18O(p,n)18F) or solid phase (e.g.205Tl(p,3n)203Pb) and must be able to dissipate the tremendous heat caused by […]
Radiation Shielding Considerations for Cyclotron Operation (Part 1 of 2)
The cyclotron is a type of charged particle accelerator which produces a continuous stream of high energy protons. Targets comprised of stable elemental isotopes are bombarded by these protons to generate medical radioisotopes used for molecular imaging. When the proton beam interacts with the target material, a nuclear reaction occurs, and there is an emission […]
Neutron standards and calibration services at the National Research Council Canada
Neutron radiation is present in many laboratories and workplaces throughout Canada, such as nuclear power stations or radiation therapy clinics. Because radiation safety is of utmost importance to all users of these facilities, the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) offers a service to calibrate neutron survey meters. Neutron survey meters measure the ambient equivalent […]