Radon and Energy Efficiency a Collaborative Steps Forward

Retrofitting existing homes and buildings is a necessary step for Canadian governments wanting to meet climate goals. However, renovations can significantly impact indoor air contaminants including radon. After providing a summary of current research, this presentation will talk about the collaborative efforts that are needed to begin to address this issue.

The population-level impact of residential radon exposure on lung cancer across Canada

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death in Canada, of which 40% of cases are now attributable to non-tobacco environmental toxicant exposures such as inhalation of radioactive radon (222Rn) gas and its decay products. Buildings can contain radioactive radon gas to harmful levels, exposing occupants repetitively to alpha particle radiation emissions that modify […]

AN EARLY LOOK INTO THE 2024 CROSS CANADA RADON REPORT: A symmetric, balanced understanding of Canadian residential housing radioactive radon gas exposure

Over the past five years, and in collaboration with multiple partner teams, the Evict Radon National Study teams from across Canada have integrated almost100,000 long term residential radon gas readings with housing, regional community, and population information from the 2021Canada Census to establish a clear, symmetric understanding of Canadian radon exposure within the residential built […]

Thoron Distribution profile of RRI thoron calibration chamber based on CFD simulation and its validation with measurement results

CFD is an inexpensive visualization tool that has been applied widely to solve health-related issues, such as predicting the activity concentrations of radon and thoron gas inside confined areas. Thoron gas is increasingly recognized as a potential source of radiation exposure in dwellings, so various organizations recommend assessing the long-term levels of indoor exposure (passive […]