Retrieval! The challenges faced by industrial radiographers when it doesn’t go according to plan.
In late 2023 on an industrial site in northern B.C. an equipment failure resulted in the high risk retrieval of an Ir-192 source in less than ideal conditions. What is industrial radiography? What type of equipment is used? What type of sources do industrial radiographers work with, and what happens when the unexpected occurs? This […]
Challenges of Implementing a New Radiation Protection Program In Dentistry in Québec
In 2022, following a consultation with all stakeholders, Health Canada amended its guidelines on radiation protection in dentistry with the publication of a new standard entitled ” Radiation Protection in Dental Practice: Safety Procedures for the Installation, Use and Control of Dental X-ray Equipment – Safety Code 30 (2022 ) “. The previous standards dated from 1999. […]
Evaluation of the Entrance Surface Doses (ESD) for common diagnostic X-ray examinations
Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the Entrance Skin Dose (ESD) in patients undergoing multiple types of radiographic examinations across three hospitals in Saudi Arabia. Methods: The patient ESD was estimated directly using optically stimulated luminesces (OSL) and indirectly using a survey meter and calculations for 100 adult patients undergoing common diagnostic […]