Challenges of Implementing a New Radiation Protection Program In Dentistry in Québec

In 2022, following a consultation with all stakeholders, Health Canada amended its guidelines on radiation protection in dentistry with the publication of a new standard entitled ” Radiation Protection in Dental Practice: Safety Procedures for the Installation, Use and Control of Dental X-ray Equipment – Safety Code 30 (2022 ) “. The previous standards dated from 1999. […]

Evaluation of the Entrance Surface Doses (ESD) for common diagnostic X-ray examinations

Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the Entrance Skin Dose (ESD) in patients undergoing multiple types of radiographic examinations across three hospitals in Saudi Arabia. Methods: The patient ESD was estimated directly using optically stimulated luminesces (OSL) and indirectly using a survey meter and calculations for 100 adult patients undergoing common diagnostic […]