Lessons Learned:  A Thyroid Uptake of over 100%

A discussion about the lessons learned following a case in the Nuclear Medicine Department where a patient had a thyroid uptake of over 100%.  A patient travelled from Iqaluit to Ottawa for a thyroid uptake and scan in Nuclear Medicine prior to an Iodine 131 Hyperthyroid Therapy. Their 24hpd thyroid uptake unexpectedly demonstrated a value […]

Experiences from a High Dose I-131 Trial at University Health Network

As the largest health research organization in Canada, the University Health Network has attracted many clinical trials in the promising field of targeted Theranostics. One such trial is presented here, highlighting the unique challenges of a high dose I-131 therapy study where administration and inpatient stay occurred in a hospital ward without intended radioisotope design […]

A Treatment That Keeps Giving

With increasing interest/use of theranostics, there may well be situations where radionuclide therapy (RNT) patients are encountered in hospital who weren’t actually treated by that hospital. Is there a requirement for RSOs in the non-treating hospital to get involved?  A pediatric patient living in Winnipeg required I-131 MIBG RNT for a neuroendocrine tumor. He was […]