An Overview and Pictorial Account of the Decommissioning of the University of Alberta SLOWPOKE-2 Reactor Facility – Parts I and II

The SLOWPOKE-2 nuclear reactor is a 20 kW (thermal), sealed-container, in-pool type research reactor designed by the Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (AECL). It was designed for use in universities, hospitals, and research institutes to serve as a safe, reliable, low-cost source of neutrons for elemental analysis, radionuclide production, and for teaching and training purposes. […]

Dismantling of the Canadian Light Source Linear Accelerator

The Canadian Light Source (CLS) is Canada’s national synchrotron research facility. CLS uses a 2.9 GeV electron beam to produce high energy photons (synchrotron light) for experimental use on its 22 beamlines. The electrons circulate in a 170m storage ring after being generated by a six section, 250 MeV linear accelerator (linac) that has been […]