Letters of Invitation – Visa Application for Travel to Canada

Upon request, the Canadian Radiation Protection Association (CRPA) will issue a Letter of Invitation to international delegates who require a travel visa to enter Canada to attend the Canadian Radiation Protection Association Annual Conference. Please read the information below regarding requesting a Letter of Invitation for the purpose of applying for a travel visa to Canada.

  1. CRPA does not issue Letters of Invitation for groups – letters are issued for individuals only.


  1. All individuals requesting a Letter of Invitation must be registered as a FULL conference delegate and payment must be made IN FULL. Registration information can be found on the registration page.
  1. Depending on the nationality of those wishing to attend the conference, they will need to meet certain entry requirements to visit Canada. Detailed information on travel to Canada, including visa information, can be found on the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website.
  1. Fingerprints and a photo may be required for a visa application. For additional information on whether or not biometrics are required, please refer to information about Biometrics.
  1. It may take Canadian Embassies/Consulates several months to process a visa application. Applicants must check with their respective authorities to determine exact processing requirements. For more information about Canadian government requirements for visitors and contact information for Visa offices, visit cic.gc.ca. For an estimate on how long it may take to process a visa application, based on the duration to process 80% of applications in the past, refer to visa processing times.
  1. CRPA does not cover expenses related to conference attendance. Costs for conference registration, travel, accommodation, transportation, and meals not included with conference registration are the responsibility of the delegate.
  1. CRPA does not accept any responsibility for visa applications, nor will it influence the processing of visas. Note that CRPA does not have a Special Event Code (issued by IRCC) for its conferences.
  1. If an individual chooses not to proceed with a visa application or if their visa application is not approved, a refund for conference registration fees will be issued upon request, in accordance with the Refund and Cancellation Policy.
  1. The following information for each individual must be included in a request for a Letter of Invitation. Letters will be issued to each individual separately.
    • Full Name
    • Title 
    • Company Name
    • Full Residential Address, including country 
    • Email address
    • Phone Number

All correspondence can be directed to [email protected].